Renard Opoku

32 Articles

How to make life more manageable

To become more manageable, whether in terms of personal organization, work efficiency,

Personal Finance

Private student loan interest rates increase for both 5-year and 10-year terms

During the week of July 15, 2024, average rates for private student

Personal Finance

Eight key insurance policies that many small businesses should consider:

Depending on your industry, you may need various types of insurance to


 Understanding Pet Insurance: What You Need to Know

As pet owners, we strive to give our furry friends the best


Various Insurance Kinds That Are Available

Insurance is a critical component of financial planning, providing a safety net


Five Ways to Become the Best Accountant

Accounting is more than just balancing books and preparing tax returns; it’s

Personal Finance

What is Skiplagging and is it Worth the Savings?

Everyone loves a deal, and skiplagging offers a way to significantly cut

Personal Finance

Under the new Biden plan, student loan forgiveness may commence as early as October.

The Biden administration plans to introduce a new student loan forgiveness program

Personal Finance

 5 Essential Money Lessons To Teach Your Kids

Financial literacy is a crucial life skill that begins at home. Teaching

Personal Finance