Looking to reduce your home energy costs? While investing in new, energy-efficient appliances or relocating to a more efficient home are options, you can start with simpler solutions.
Here are 10 straightforward ways to lower your energy bill and be more environmentally friendly:
1. Adjust your thermostat seasonally.
Set it lower in the winter and higher in the summer. You can program many thermostats to do this automatically, especially when you’re asleep or out of the house. The Department of Energy states that turning your thermostat back 10° to 15° for 8 hours can save 5 to 15% annually on your heating bill, with up to 1% savings for each degree if the setback period is 8 hours.
2. Keep doors, windows, and the fireplace flue closed when not in use.
3. Use energy-efficient light bulbs.
Although these bulbs may cost more initially, they last longer and use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. Some energy companies, like Duke Power in North Carolina, even offer free energy-efficient bulbs.
4. Set your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Taking shorter showers and using less hot water can also help reduce energy consumption.
5. Wash laundry in cold water.
Also, remember that your dryer stays warm after it’s turned off, so your clothes continue drying without using extra energy.
6. Use power strips for your electronic devices.
Turn off the power strip when devices are not in use to prevent them from drawing energy unnecessarily. Advanced power strips can further enhance efficiency by cutting off unneeded power.
7. Set your computer to energy-saving modes.
Adjust your operating system settings to ensure your computer sleeps or turns off when not in use. Energy Star provides information for different operating systems.
8. Consider a portable space heater.
If some household members prefer warmer rooms, a portable heater can help. However, be cautious as space heaters can pose fire and burn risks. The Department of Energy offers safety tips.
9. Use draft stoppers.
These are typically tubes placed under doors to block airflow. You can make your own draft stoppers if you’re crafty or simply roll up a towel for a practical solution.
10. Optimize your south-facing windows.
These windows receive the most sunlight. In winter, keep curtains open to let in the sun’s warmth. In summer, close the curtains to keep your home cooler and reduce energy usage for heating or cooling.
By implementing these easy tips, you can save on energy costs and contribute to a greener planet.