Creating an online account with your bank can simplify your life significantly. You can monitor your finances from anywhere, access balance information instantly, transfer funds, and pay bills with just a few clicks. Additionally, online banking can help you go green and reduce paper clutter with paperless monthly statements.
However, as with any online activity, there are risks involved. Here are some easy tips to help you manage your finances online safely.
Choose a Strong Username and Password
Select a username that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. Avoid using just your first or last name.
For your password, complexity is crucial. Use a mix of letters and numbers, ensuring it’s something memorable to you. Avoid simple passwords like 1234, password, or ABCD.
Check Your Browser Settings
Ensure you are on the secure version of your banking site, indicated by “https” in the URL (as opposed to the more common “http”). The “s” signifies a secure connection.
Monitor Your Account Daily
Regularly checking your account balances can help you avoid overdrafts and ensure that all transactions are authorized.
Always Log Off Completely
Ensure you log off completely from your online banking session, not just by closing the window. This prevents anyone who uses the computer after you from accessing your information.
Consider clearing your browser’s history before closing the window. This can remove the pages you’ve visited, the cache, and any cookies that may have been placed on your computer during your session.
Keep Your Firewall, Spyware, and Virus Protection Updated
Keeping your computer secure against intruders will help make your online banking experience safer.